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Best things to do in Abu Dhabi this weekend
Best things to do in Abu Dhabi this weekend

Sophisticated bars to try in Abu Dhabi this week

Try these Time Out-recommended venues

Sometimes you just want to get dressed up and head out on the town.

Fancy clothes, some mixed drinks and dare we ask for a little light jazz? That sounds like the perfect recipe to us.

Ready to head out somewhere swish?

Try these three Time Out-recommended venues.


There are some places that are just unapologetically cool and you almost feel like you’re on-trend simply by being there. Looking around at the stylish and hip people (is it cool to say hip?) that flock into Annex just outside The Abu Dhabi EDITION, it certainly makes you feel like you’re part of the in-crowd.
To read the full review click here.

Dragon’s Tooth

All the popular nightspots are well known and they regularly draw a crowd but there are still a few sweet spots, offering the perfect experience that some are still yet to discover. Dragon’s Tooth is one of those. You could easily miss it, walking through The Galleria Al Maryah Island, and even if you were going to Dai Pai Dong for a meal, Dragon’s Tooth may still elude you. We like that.
To read the full review click here.

Library Bar

There’s no doubt about it, Library Bar is as classy as they come in Abu Dhabi. Sitting at the back of the super-cool Abu Dhabi EDITION right next to the award-winning OAK Room steakhouse, it’s the picture of calm sophistication.
To read the full review click here.

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For more Time Out bar reviews, click here.