Posted inReviews

Karachi City Restaurant

Electra Street

From Time Out Abu Dhabi Eating Out 2010

Pakistani restaurants in Abu Dhabi are usually low-rent establishments hidden under the brow of a yellow Lipton’s awning. Go inside and you might begin to realise where all the neighborhood cats have gone and begin contemplating a call to the local health inspector. However, Karachi City is a welcome exception to the rule. With nary a Lipton’s logo in sight, it’s a neat and tidy establishment serving food better than most of its ilk. Non-regulars are a novelty here and are usually escorted upstairs, where those over 5ft 8in will feel like they’re dining in Lilliput thanks to a peculiarly low ceiling – they don’t stand on ceremony here, it’s not physically possible.

There’s no menu either, but the friendly man behind the counter doesn’t mind pointing newcomers in the right direction; just give him an idea (mime is the best approach) of what you’re after – meat or veg – and a few minutes later, a warm dish will appear on your table. The keema, a dish of ground mutton in a thin, tomato-based sauce, served with a hunk of bread fresh from the oven, is the cab driver’s favourite. But make no mistake, this is not five star. The food is cheap and the chi tea is served in a Styrofoam cup; however, for a quick refuel or simply curiosity’s sake, it’s well worth an hour of your time.


Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates
02 677 6055
Al Zahiyah
Sunday: 5:00 AM TO 5:00 AM
Monday: 5:00 AM TO 5:00 AM
Tuesday: 5:00 AM TO 5:00 AM
Wednesday: 5:00 AM TO 5:00 AM
Thursday: 5:00 AM TO 5:00 AM
Friday: 5:00 AM TO 5:00 AM
Saturday: 5:00 AM TO 5:00 AM

Recommended for you in Restaurants

Posted inFood & DrinkReviews


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