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You can now order coffee and collectable sneakers from Abu Dhabi’s Local

The hip café, barber shop and fashion store has gone digital

Spending time in our favourite coffee spots, enjoying the aroma of freshly ground beans and the sounds of milk steaming and people chattering is something we miss while self-isolating.

And while our home-brew coffee isn’t bad, it’s lacks the same levels of expertise as those cups enjoyed elsewhere.

We’ve also found ourselves spending more time (and money) on clothes, shoes and all the other stuff we can’t wait to wear when it’s safe to meet friends outdoors.

Love fashion and coffee and want your fix? We know just the place.

Hipster-cool café, barbershop and streetwear venue Local has launched a new online store.

The venue in Al Zeina now offers a host of premium coffee beans, sneakers, apparel and much more all available to buy at the touch of a button.

So if you want to upgrade your style or get your hands on some seriously good coffee then all you need to do is visit

We’re ready to brew in our new Yeezy’s already.