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UAE face mask rules: UAE flags

New UAE face mask rules: where do I need to wear a mask?

New COVID-19 protocols have just started

The United Arab Emirates recently announced several changes to COVID-19 restrictions, including changes to UAE face mask rules. The updated protocols also include close contact cases, restaurant and event capacitiestravel, quarantine, and more. The major news was announced on Friday February 25 by the National Emergency, Crisis and Disasters Management Authority (NCEMA) and the Abu Dhabi Media Office.

Face masks will still be mandatory in closed areas, but it’s now optional to wear masks in outdoor areas. Physical distancing must still be followed.

You will still need green pass status on the Al Hosn app to enter indoor spaces in Abu Dhabi. In line with recent changes, the capital has lowered the cost of PCR tests.

Wondering how to follow the new UAE face mask rules? Time Out’s guide breaks it down here.

Do I need to wear a face mask outside?

UAE face mask rules: mother and child wearing face masks outside

According to the Abu Dhabi Government Media Office, it is now optional to use face masks in outdoor areas, however, social distancing still needs to be practiced while outside.

Do I need a face mask to enter shopping malls, restaurants and bars?

UAE face mask rules: Yas Mall Abu Dhabi exterior

New UAE face mask rules mandate that face masks are still required for anyone entering indoor spaces such as shopping malls, restaurants and bars. With the recent changes, restaurants and other eateries in the UAE are now able to operate at 100 percent capacity.

You do not need to wear a face mask while seated at a restaurant or bar, but you do need to wear it if you stand up. In Abu Dhabi, you still need green pass status on the Al Hosn app to enter public spaces.

Do I need to wear a face mask at the movies?

UAE face mask rules: dark movie theatre with red seats

Face masks are mandatory in the cinema, however you can remove your face mask to eat while seated. Movie theatres and sports stadiums have recently been allowed to return to full capacity. Entry at sports stadiums in Abu Dhabi is only allowed for those aged 12 and above and spectators will need green pass status on the Al Hosn app plus a negative 96 hour PCR test.

What are the UAE face mask rules for schools?

UAE face mask rules: kids with backpacks running to class

Students, teachers, staff and visitors to UAE schools need to wear a mandatory face mask while on the premises, including during any extracurricular activities.

Do I need to wear a face mask at Expo 2020 Dubai?

UAE face mask rules: Aerial shot of Al Wasl dome. UAE face mask rules mean you don't need to wear a mask outside at Expo 2020 Dubai.

New UAE face mask rules mean that wearing face masks outside is no longer mandatory at Expo 2020 Dubai. You can now walk around outside Expo without wearing your mask, but you still need to wear it inside pavilions and other enclosed indoor spaces.

Expo event organisers are encouraging visitors to wear masks at events with large attendance. Conditions for entry to Expo 2020 have not changed and all Expo visitors need to show proof of vaccination or a negative 72 hour PCR test.