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Ten cool things to do in Abu Dhabi this weekend
Ten cool things to do in Abu Dhabi this weekend

Abu Dhabi shopping malls to consider reopening to the public in the coming weeks

Discussions are ongoing, with precautionary guidelines being prepared 

Most of us in Abu Dhabi are self-isolating and staying at home to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Cinemas, parks and beaches, as well as many public attractions are currently closed temporarily, however shopping malls are being given guidelines in preparation for an as-yet unconfirmed reopening period.

The Department of Economic Development has announced that it’s consulting with stakeholders the possibility of reopening malls in Abu Dhabi.

The move is to provide a gradual increase in economic activity but would be subject to guidelines and measure that ensure public safety.

Details are yet to be announced but you could be back shopping, safely, very soon.

Looking for things to do while at home in Abu Dhabi? Click here for lots of ideas for keeping busy when self-isolating.