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Three great pubs to enjoy a bite to eat in Abu Dhabi

Try these Time Out Recommended venues

Pubs are brilliant.

Sure it’s nice to get dressed up and enjoy mixed drinks made by a person in a waistcoat but it’s not for the every day.

Sometime, you just want live sport, a few pints of hops and some chicken wings if they’ve got them (they almost always do).

Want to head to a casual pub for a drink?

Try these three Time Out recommended venues.


It is without a doubt one of Abu Dhabi’s most popular haunts, and Heroes shows no signs of fading into obscurity any time soon, thankfully. Sure, it’s far from a swish grape bar, high-end hotel restaurant or stunning outdoor terrace, but sometimes the simple things are best, and it doesn’t seem to be doing too badly with its pared back traditional offerings. If you want a pint of hops, some bar food and sport on the TV and you’ll get all three here. To read the full review click here.

Porters English Pub

Sometimes you just need a taste of England. Other times you need a 12-hour happy hour. And there are occasions when you want an all-out karaoke fest. Porters English Pub manages to do all three, and well. The low-key, laid-back pub in the Grand Millennium Al Wahda has a huge interior, with both upstairs and downstairs seating. To read the full review click here.

The Tavern

The Tavern has been a popular pub in this city for as far back as we can remember. Squint your eyes until you walk inside and you could easily be fooled that you’re in the UK, frequenting a local pub with a share of regulars from the surrounding community. Leave any pretensions behind and settle in to watch some sport. To read the full review click here.

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