Posted inMovies

Bollywood 2010

Bitten by the Bollybug? Here are our picks for the coming year in Indian cinema

Posted inThe Knowledge

Bollywood insiders guide

Indian cinema is a vast, multilingual industry, almost impenetrable in its size. Here are a few pointers, courtesy of the Time Out team in Mumbai

Posted inFamily

One wish

The new sports complex at the Abu Dhabi Country Club will revolutionise the city’s after-school recreation. Carmel DeAmicis took the grand tour to find out more

Posted inThe Knowledge

Talking of Tudors

Last year’s Booker Prize winner, Hilary Mantel, tells Deepanjana Pal why Tudor England makes for an exciting read

Posted inFeatures

Bob Blumer facts

Discovery Travel and Living’s Bob Blumer is coming to cook for Abu Dhabi. But is he all that he seems?